Process of aluminum materials
When the raw material has arrived to our storage facility in six metres tube, our colleges at the cutting machines start to working with it.
With useing the right technics we can cut more pieces at one time, because the size and the material is facile.
Next step is the pressing, where we stabilaze the tubes with pneumatic press. After turning the parts we drill holes to the two ends to bear the adequet tolerance. For the sidelong holes we use a adhesive tapepunching machine what is ripping out different sizes out at the same time. One more time the semifinished partsgoing back to the turning machine and an insertion placed in the two ends what is definining the maximum fit to other machines.
Last, if its neccessary we do some finishing works like deburring and the parts are going upstairs to our assembling facility.
In our assembly there is specialized machines waiting for the parts.
At first an unusal glue with high tolerance temperature and different glueing methods are used. Unique filter spread precisely all over the tube with defined size.
After the first layer we apply some kind of adhesive tapes to the right places then at the felting machine we apply the felt material. Next step is a special machine with trundles which is working like its ironing the felt-bands, then the parts are sinked to the right quantity of oil.
The last phase is the wrapping the oiled tube with felt bandage to a dual layer foil, then we weld the two ends and cut the frazzle pieces from the package then its going to a box and its time to get ready for shipping.